Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cinema 4D Basics

Cinema 4D will be the tool we use to create our 3D models.

Coordinate Plane:
The coordinate plane is the big rectangular area in the center of your Cinema 4D window representing the 3D space in which we will be making our models. As we will be working in 3 dimensions, there are 3 axes to the plane: X, Y, and Z.
X (red) =  Horizontal
Y (green) = Vertical
Z (blue) = Horizontal, but perpendicular to X; i.e. if you were facing forward and the X axis were going along the width of your shoulders, the Z axis would be coming straight out of your chest.

The toolbar is the strip along the top with the big icons, right below the menu bar.
First few Icons/Tools from left to right:
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Selection Tool: Selects faces/points/edges on your model
  • Move Tool: Allows you to move the object anywhere you want, including strictly along any of the axis by dragging your model using the axis handles that stick out of it when selected.
  • Scale Tool: Adjusts the size of your model. With this tool you can adjust the size of any side on your model by pushing/pulling the axis handles sticking out of your selected object. If you click and drag the on the small cube that appears at the center of your model, it will scale your model uniformly. Also, you may resize an object without the scale tool, simply by using the small orange boxes that appear around your object when selected.
  • Rotate Tool: Allows you to freely rotate your object along any axis.

In order to help you start modeling, Cinema4D provides you with basic simple shapes such as cubes, cones and cylinders to work off of. These simple shapes are called ‘Primitives’; you can access them through the small blue cube icon on the toolbar, which when you long-press it, reveals a menu containing all the primitive shapes you have at your disposal.

Right below the toolbar, there is a strip along the top of your coordinate plane that contains tools to tumble around your view of your model. On the upper right hand corner of this strip are 4 buttons (from left to right):
  • Pan
  • Zoom
  • Rotate
  • Alternate views

For each of the first 3 buttons, you can simply hold down your left mouse button over them, and move your mouse around to adjust your view. The 4th button provides you with 4 different perspectives to view your model from:

  • Perspective (This is the default 3D coordinate plane view)
  • Top
  • Right
  • Front
It is often useful to alternate between these views to make any precise/fine-adjustments to your model.

Materials Manager:
Section on the lower left hand corner; contains all the shaders/materials/textures used to bring color to your models. To create a new material, simply double click in the empty gray area or go to File > New Material. Once your new material appears, double click on it, and a new window will pop up with all the settings you can customize on it, including its color. Once you’re satisfied with your material, simply drag it and drop it from the materials manager onto the object you want to texture.

Using these tools, let’s create a simple, colorful Jack In The Box head.

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