Creating 3D Text with Extrude Nurbs:
Extrude Nurbs add depth to a 2d shape, therefore, in order to use an Extrude Nurb, you must first create a 2D shape using what are called ‘splines’. A spline is essentially a 2D, volume-less outline of some kind, and Cinema 4D provides you with a whole slew of tools to create them.
Right next to the Primitives icon, there’s an icon with a squiggly blue line; this is the free-form spline tool (much like the pencil tool in photoshop), and long pressing it reveals the spline-tool selection menu, showing you all the different tools available for creating splines. One of these tools, is the Text tool.
Go ahead and select the Text tool, then select the giant spline object that appears in your scene and says “Text”. In the Attributes menu, under the ‘Object’ tab, change the text in the ‘Text’ field to whatever you want your 3D text to say.
Next, go to the first green icon on the toolbar, right next to the spline tool icon; click and hold to reveal the menu containing all the Nurbs at your disposal. From here, select the ‘Extrude Nurb’; The Nurb should now appear in your object manager. In order to use the nurb, you must parent your spline to it, so drag and drop your text spline object onto the extrude nurb in your Object Manager, and voila, your text is now 3D! The same would work for any other type of spline outline.
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